Latest of the new collection Enchanted….

Hello, I’m overdue to update this blog 😉 I have been busily developing a new collection and finishing commissions all at the same time. The new collection is called Enchanted and involves the enlightenment of the world and new generations that are moving towards a spiritual existence and involves crystals – real crystals, in my artworks and the subjects in the artworks includes nature’s forests and the like, thunderstorms, dimensions, characters that are not your usual ones, aliens, fairies, angels, water, etc.

Below is my latest work in progress which also ties in as a tarot card (6 of cups) but the main subjects are the alien (me as an alien), the baby moon and the grown up moon, Egypt, and the crystals that will be placed in parts of the artwork (one on the main cup and one on the alien’s necklace and possibly one in Baby Moon’s hand). The rainbow blotch in the top corner is a galaxy in the sky and the rest of the sky will be dark blue / black mottled with many stars among it and across the galaxy. The pyramids will be coloured darker later today. The artwork is in “ugly stage” which is not a bad thing and will progress quickly fro this point on. I am very excited about this artwork as it will cement the very start of the Enchanted Collection!

6 of cups progress3smlclose up sneak preview 6 of cups progress2

Author: gypsysnail

An Australian Deaf internationally-known artist who draws and paints using many different mediums. Art is my world and everything. I also have a love for VW beetles and kombies as well as odd things like rubix cubes and small old fashioned birdcages (not for the use of them! Rather for the look of them - I don't like locking up animals in small cages or confinements).

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